SATURDAY, SEPT 29, 10am – 2pm, South County Land Trust Barn, 17 Matanuck Beach Road, Wakefield, RI 02879
All ages are invited to join us for this wonderful opportunity to stop and enjoy being together in a beautiful setting as we learn practices for increasing peace within ourselves, our families and the world.
There will be singing and a children’s Dharma talk, followed by a talk for adults, and games and mindful activities for children. We will practice walking meditation, eating meditation and deep relaxation, ending our day with an informal tea ceremony. The facilitator for our day is Dharma Teacher Joanne Friday, a student of Buddhist Monk and Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh and an ordained teacher in his Order of Interbeing.
A suggested registration donation of $15 for individuals, couples or families will help with rent and smaller expenses incurred in organizing this day. An offering for Joanne is not included in this donation. Joanne considers the Dharma to be the greatest gift she has received, and in gratitude offers her teachings freely as a practice of generosity. The Rhode Island Community of Mindfulness invites you to offer a donation to her in proportion of your means.
Please bring with you:
- A vegetarian bagged lunch
- One flower from the roadside or your garden for each child *
- Pillows and blankets for floor sitting
- A non-perishable food item for McAuley House, or a household item that is not covered by food stamps (i.e. toilet paper, diapers, pet food, etc.)*
* indicates optional
Please help us minimize waste by bringing your own cloth napkins, mugs, and a nametag. Please wear appropriate clothing for the walking meditation (rain or shine)
For more information about the Day of Mindfulness, please download this .pdf registration form.