A Peace Flag Project in California

Message: Hello Ladies/Gentlemen:

While cruising the internet, I discovered your website. I would like to share my story.

I am a teacher at a continuation high school in Napa, CA. My class is coordinating a school wide peace flag activity. The students and I have been cutting muslin, sewing top slip pockets, counting and distributing the blank clothes to each class. During their home room period, every student will design their flags. This project will culminate with all 250 flags coming together to be hung around our campus on Peace Day 2012.

This was all born out of a cloth donation from our beloved, retired school counselor who had cleaned out her closets over the summer and donated varous pieces of fabric to my arts class. To honor her and world peace, I had the idea to do this schoolwide project. When I mentioned it to my students, they unanimously agreed it had to be done!

In Peace, Michelle McMaster
Teacher, Horizons Community Day Scl.


AUREA performs in Pawtucket 08/26

This Saturday the lovely Aurea ensemble will be performing at Veterans Memorial Amphitheater in Pawtucket! Go to this amazing concert. This group is an honest treasure: they combine music and words in the most exquisite way!  The event is free and open to the public. There is a parking area across the street and in many cases, the amphitheater will be less than 2 miles from your dwelling, short enough for a nice evening walk or bike ride! However you plan to get there, just get there!


What happens when artists meet at the margins of their disciplines and push the boundaries back and forth? What happens is AUREA, a performance ensemble engaged in a joyous pursuit to investigate and invigorate the harmony of music and the spoken word.

Aurea takes its name from Catena Aurea Homeri, or the Golden Chain of Homer, a symbol of 18th century esoteric alchemy, which strove for the refinement of the human condition. That alchemy – combining disparate elements into a divine new element – defines every Aurea event.

Central to AUREA’s mission is the pairing of meaningful educational outreach with artistic themes, striving through imaginative concert programming and educational workshops to inspire audiences of varied backgrounds and ages. Through the medium of performance, interfacing music with the spoken word, AUREA seeks to unify the humanities and fine arts in dynamic accessible and engaging ways.

This season’s AUREA events are supported in part by the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, Ocean State Charities, the City of Pawtucket, the Creative Arts Council at Brown University, Pawtucket Credit Union, the Friends of AUREA, and others.


More information about AUREA can be found at their website, http://www.aureaensemble.org/

Luminaria Silent Walking Meditation 09/01/12

On Saturday, September 1st, 2012, the Peace Flag Project will hold a silent walking meditation at WaterFire in beautiful downtown Providence, Rhode Island to help celebrate the Month of Peace in honor of the United Nations International Day of Peace.

WaterFire Peace Walk

You may walk with a Luminaria Candle for a $5 donation to support WaterFire. The Luminaria Candles will be available from 7:15-8:00pm. The walking meditation starts at 8:30pm. Gather at the Wall of Hope at Union Station Plaza.


September 2012 Month of Peace

We’re planning a full month of peace related events in Rhode Island in celebration of the UN International Day of Peace. After celebrating Peace Day for six years, the Peace Flag Project expanded its events to one month in 2010.

First Post

Inner Peace is a personal quest for peace, and World Peace is the global experience of peace. While we at The Peace Flag Project(PFP) advocate for the individual experience of peace, and hold great hope for World Peace, our Mission is to create peace in the space in between: the space where we live our every day lives. Our goal is peaceful relationships on all levels. Our focus is on how we live with our families, friends, and community members; what kind of citizens, coworkers and colleagues we are; and, how we educate our children and work for social justice. It’s about being able to live a healthy life with meaningful work, good housing and safe neighborhoods. It’s about affirming our need for artistic expression and appreciation for culture in all its diversity. It’s about how we live on this planet and use its resources. It’s about appreciating the connection of all life physically and spiritually.

Our work is to foster peace in our ordinary lives. We do this in three ways:


URI Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies