a gorgeous fall evening, the Peace Flag Project celebrated the United
Nation’s International Day of Peace with a crowd of more than
200 people. On the trees and poles of Market Square Park were hundreds
and hundreds of beautiful, moving Peace Flags made by adults and children
throughout Rhode Island. Bob Elliott created an enormous Peace Dove,
from a design suggested by Jane Goodall’s work as the UN Ambassador
for the International Day of Peace. Our Providence event was one of
thousands being held around the world to commemorate this important

David Cicilline opened the evening with words of peace for this
special city of diversity. The entertainment began with the exquisite
voices of the a capella group WomanSpiritRising and an amazing
peace story by the talented Val Tutson. The fabulous Cliff Wood
Trio featured a sax, didgeridoo and drum. Each performance conveyed
the feelings of peace and joy.
Merrill of the American Friends Service Committee shared his thoughts
on peace, and Marjorie Mann spoke about the Peace Alliance’s
work to establish a Department of Peace.
Friday, dharma teacher and follower of Vietnamese Buddhist monk
Thich Nhat Hahn, led everyone in a silent Walking Meditation.
This meditation walk, done slowly and in silence, is a transformative
experience. Everyone returned from this walk in a place of peace.
event closed with prayers for peace by the interfaith clergy:
Alan Flam, Chaplain of Brown University
Rumee Ahmed, Chaplain of Brown University
Swami Yogatmananda, Vedanta Society of Providence
Rev. Donald Cameron, First Unitarian Church of Providence
Ven. Chea Chhorm, Wat Dharmaghosanaram, Cranston
Father Gene McKenna, Priests for Justice
prayers were also offered by several community leaders:
Watson, Camp Street Community Ministry
Katherine Brown, Southside Community Land Trust
Gail Brimicombe, Sakonnet Peace Alliance
Jane Jellison, Institute for Study and Practice of Nonviolence
evening concluded with a moment of silence.!!!

St. Mary's Home for Children
North Providence, RI
January 2006
Prudence Island Workshop
May 2006
FirstWorksKids Festival
Providence, RI,
June 16 and 17, 2006
Nuuwetooun School
Narragansett Reservation
Rhode Island
June 2006
The Wholly Rollers Raise Money for MS,
June 2006  |
First Unitarian Church, Providence, RI
City Fest at City Farm
August 2006
Southside Community Land Trust
Providence, RI
www.southsideclt.org  |
Providence Children's Museum
September 2006
Providence, RI
www.childrenmuseum.org  |
2006 Family Fun Fest
September 2006
Pawtucket Arts Festival
Sponsored by Slater Mill
Pawtucket, RI
Marlborough St. Fair for Peace and Nonviolence
October, 2006
Providence, RI
Vartan Gregorian Elementary School
December 2006
Providence, RI
Peace Flag Project works with groups throughout the year. Our main event
is a celebration of the International Day of Peace, which is observed
on September 21 of each year. At this celebration, we display the thousands
of flags that have been created.