2011 Events Calendar ... 2011 Events Calendar ... 2011 Events Calendar ... 2011 Events Calendar
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, January 17
Nonviolence Institute
265 Oxford Street
Providence, RI 02905
Coming of Age Program
Sunday, March 6
First Unitarian Church
Of Providence
Providence, RI
Holliman Elementary School
Norwood Elementary School
Week of March 7 – 5 sessions
Warwick, RI
Interfaith Community Peace Service
Kingston Congregational Church
Rte 138 – Opposite entrance of URI
Kingston, RI
Party for the Planet
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Sunday, March 17
Thursday, March 21
Roger Williams Park Zoo
Providence, RI
Month of Peace Events
September 1 to 30, 2011
* Providence Community Libraries
Exhibits of Peace Flags and Peace Flag workshops in all nine Community Libraries of Providence, www.provcomlibr.org
* Peace Art Exhibit, Atrium Gallery, First Unitarian Church of Providence
Featuring Sculpture by Mimi Sammis and Christiane Corbat, www.firstuprov.org
Special Events
* September 11 -- 10 th Anniversary
> A Decade Later: Lost But Not Forgotten at Wall of Hope at WaterPlace Park, RI for Community and Justice , www.ricj.org
> Community Service Day, Serve Rhode Island, www.serverhodeisland.org
* September 13 --A Conversation Clinic with Maria DeCarvalho, M. Div: “I’ll Meet You at the Corner of Honesty and Love,” Providence Public Library, www.unleashspirit.com
Every conversation is an opportunity to move an agenda AND build a relationship. Every …Single...Conversation. Join Maria as we learn how to deliver a message. We’ll discover how to make it easy for other people to hear what you’re saying so you can work better together to get the result you want.
* September 21 - UN International Day of Peace
> Youth Speak Out: Voices for Peace, RI for Community and Justice, Paff Auditorium, URI Feinstein Campus, Providence, 6:00 pm
> Peace Day Celebration, University of RI, Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies, Kingston, RI. Details to come. 12 noon to 3:00 pm
* September 24, 12 noon to 6:00 pm - Heritage Day Festival September 24, 12 noon to 6:00 pm, Roger Williams Memorial Park, North Main Street, Providence. www.preservation.ri.gov
* September 24, Silent Walking Meditation at WaterFire, Assemble at 6:30 pm; Walk at 7:30 pm at WaterPlace Park Basin. More details to come. Walkers can carry Candle Luminaria as they walk slowly and in silence. www.thepeaceflagproject.org and www.waterfire.org
* September 29 -- Cultivating Peace through Laughter and Silence with Rebecca Foster, First Unitarian Church of Providence, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, www.thecenterofjoy.net
This work/playshop will explore both laughter and silence through a variety of interactive and contemplative exercises and meditations.
*September 30. Voices for Peace at Roots Cafe, 276 Westminister ST, Providence, 7:00 to 9:00 pm www.rootscafeprovidence.com

We are most happy to be part of the 375 th Anniversary Celebration of the City of Providence. The City is highlighting all the special cultural events from May to October 2011. The Celebration is organized around four themes and honors our founder Roger Williams.
A celebration to honor Roger Williams’ legacy and ideals
In 1636, Roger Williams and a small group of followers landed on the shores of the Seekonk River in Providence’s Fox Point. From May - October 2011, Providence will commemorate the 375th anniversary of the colonial settlement along the Great Salt Cove.
Traveling Peace Flags
We are so pleased to have our Peace Flags spread their special messages around the world.
Peace Flags once again traveled to Nepal, this time with
Paul Bueno de Mesquita, Director of URI's Institute for Nonviolence and Peace.
He traveled to India and Nepal to do nonviolence workshops, and brought flags with him that
had been made by URI students last September for the
UN International Day of Peace.
The flags were very well received on the other side of the world. |
Check back for our listings for the Month of Peace in Providence in September! We’ll have a celebration of the UN International Day of Peace plus many more events.
! For a write-up of our 2010 event, please click here !
! For a write-up of our 2009 event, please click here !
! For a write-up of our 2008 event, please click here !
! For a write-up of our 2007 event, please click here !
! For a write-up of our 2006 event, please click here !
! For a write up of the 2005 event, please click here !