Peace Flag Project is proud to have worked with these wonderful
organizations over the last few years. We began four years
ago doing just a few small events and have grown to work with
a great many adults and children in Rhode Island and surrounding
states. We are pleased and grateful to have inspired the creation
of thousands of important wishes for peace on our planet.
Each Peace Flag is a small step toward peace, and many small
steps can add up to great things.
peace and gratitude,
Ginny Fox
The Peace Flag Project
that have made Peace Flags
State Radio/Calling All Crows
and Shoots Program, Roger Williams Park Zoo
Sustainability & Clean Energy Festival, Apeiron Institute
Free For All Saturday, RISD Museum
Party for the Planet, Roger Williams Park Zoo
Step It Up, Roger Williams Park Zoo
Providence Children’s Museum
Girls Night Out 2009
Southside Community Land Trust
FirstWorks Kids Festival, Providence
Pawtucket Arts Family Fun Festival at Slater Mill
RiverSing 2007
Brown St. Park Earth Day Celebration
Girl Scouts of SE Massachusetts
Wholly Rollers, MS Bikathon
Sierra Club of Rhode Island, Newport
Farmers Market, Hope High School, Providence
Heritage Festival
Stars Program, Exeter Job Corps
Pawtucket YWCA Residence
of the Barrington Interfaith Council
First Unitarian Church of Providence
Providence Friends Meeting
Westerly Friends Meeting
Westminster Unitarian Church, E. Greenwich, RI
Liberal Religious Educators Conference (LREDA)
Central Congregational Church
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Charlestown
St. Mark Lutheran Church, Woonsocket
Religious Education Week, Star Island, New Hampshire
New England Yearly Meeting
Interfaith Peace Service, Kingston Congregational Church
Prep School, Providence
Brown University
Peace Vigil, Providence College
Providence After School Alliance
Nottingham School, Hudson, NH
Sowams School, Barrington, RI
Norwood Elementary School, Warwick
Edward S. Rhodes Elem. School, Cranston
John Francis Brown Elem. School, Warwick
Holliman Elementary School Warwick, RI
Vartan Gregorian Elementary School, Providence
D’Abate Elementary School, Providence
Martin Luther King, Jr. Elem. School, Providence
Providence Interim Middle School
Kid Venture, Gladstone Elementary School, Cranston
MET School, Providence
Moses Brown School
CVS Highlander School
Montessori School, Providence
Fifth Avenue Elem. School, Woonsocket, RI
Nuuveetooum School, Narragansett Reservation, RI
St. Mary’s Home for Children
Diversity Week, Rhode Island College
Stars Program, Exeter Job Corps
Peace Abbey, Sherborn, MA
Sakonnet Peace Alliance
Department of Peace New England Conference